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The Gift of Hula at Epiphany Episcopal Church


In honor of the Holy Sovereigns King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma; Mrs Pi 'ilani Hanohano shared a beautiful hula with the 9:30 am service. The name of the hula is Aloha Kaua`i - written by Maiki Aiu Lake for the Malina family for their hospitality and about the beauty of the island. Pi 'ilani chose this hula because Queen Emma went to Kaua`i after the deaths of her son and husband to grieve. She took up residency in Mauna Kilohana, now known as the Queen Emma Cottage, which was moved from its original location. The Hanohano family has a very close pilina with Queen the lands the family still has kuleana for in Punalu`u (Papa`akoko) came through Queen Emma and her family.

Epiphany Our Spiritual Home

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