Requiem Eucharist for The Repose of the Souls Departed
February 9, 2023

We invite you to attend the Requiem Eucharist for The Repose of the Souls Departed at Epiphany Episcopal Church on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at 5 p.m. Our prayers will be united in honoring the souls of our friends and family who passed away in February.
Gifford Earl Gaston, Jeanette Souza Matsumura, Lilly Susanna Pearson, Margaret Kam Yuk Mun Chun, Frank Goyei Tamaye, Christian Michael Sorenson, Eleanor Chee Hayashi, Portia K. Okamoto, Gerald Satoru Hanaoka, Bill Lucas
We invite you to bring a picture, lei, flowers, or other memory of your loved one to the altar so we can remember and honor them. To have someone recognized this month, please get in touch with Father Chris or Pi'ilani by Thursday, February 9, 2023.
After the service, we will enjoy refreshments together in the Parish Hall.
