A Message from Father Chris
March 8, 2023

Dear Beloved in Jesus Christ,
I am humbled to be your rector and I am excited to see how the Holy Spirit will move us
forward in 2023! As we get into this new year, I urge us all to reflect upon the richness
of our precious heritage that has been passed down to us from generation to generation
at Epiphany. From our humble beginnings, episcopal tradition and spiritual roots, we
have much to be thankful for. We are truly a loving church that exemplifies the Aloha
Spirit, and this has been confirmed by our new members and guests.
It is up to us to pass on this precious heritage into the future, not only for ourselves but
for our children and grandchildren as well. We have discovered that faith is instrumental
in living a good life and meeting the challenges of this world. We must guard our rich
inheritance, continue to pass faith treasures of Christian love, service and fellowship to
future generations. I call on you to invest your time, energy and resources into passing
on our heritage.
In keeping with our theme this year of “Passing on Our Precious Heritage,” our vestry
has passed a resolution that we implement the Ministry of Invite, Welcome, Connect at
Epiphany. This ministry “equips and empowers individuals and congregations to
practice evangelism, hospitality and connectedness.” We believe that this ministry is the
framework we should use going forward as a church. The Ministry of Invite, Welcome,
Connect will help us share our rich stories of faith, Christian teachings, and Episcopal
tradition with those outside our church. We then pray that the Holy Spirit leads them to join
us on our journey of faith. You will be hearing more about this ministry in the coming
Finally, know that I am here for you as your priest, and you can reach out to me at any
time through email: priestepiphany@gmail.com or phone: (808) 734-5706. Please know
that it brings me joy to worship with you, share a meal or just talk story. Let us together
“Pass on Our Precious Heritage.”
Fr. Chris+

“The boundary lines of the land have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me” - Psalm 16:6