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2023 Episcopal Youth Event & Mission

January 26, 2023

All high school students currently in grades 9-12 are encouraged to be a part of the Hawai'i delegation to attend the triennial Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) being held at the University of Maryland, July 4-8, 2023. The Hawaiʻi delegation plans to stay a few more days to perform community service in the areas in and around Washington, DC. Exact dates for the mission portion to be available soon.

You DO NOT need to be a member of an Episcopal Church to attend! EYE is the Episcopal Church's second-largest event (surpassed only by General Convention), which brings together well over 1,000 youth to worship, fellowship, learn, and bond with their peers from around the globe. This is the chance for our youth to experience wonderful guest speakers, workshops, energized worship, and prayerful moments. The positive program is designed to help young people explore and deepen their faith, no matter where they are in their journey.

To learn more, visit the Episcopal Church's EYE23 webpage, or visit our Diocesan EYE23 web page to find both an online application, information, and links to pictures, videos, and reflections of alumni of previous EYEs.

The application deadline has been extended to Friday, January 13, 2023, but contact us if you need more time to submit an application. Authorizations are required for parents, guardians, priests, wardens, or youth leaders. For youth unaffiliated with a particular church, only parental authorization is required. The final delegation will be announced towards the end of January. If you have any questions, email Sybil Nishioka.

One of Epiphany's own has submitted an application. Let's rise up and build our youth delegation! Spread the word and share this opportunity with your family and friends!!

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