Getting Involved in Worship

Every Sunday at 7:00am and 9:30am is an opportunity for worship. Worship at Epiphany is based on the rich traditions of the Episcopal Church and the Book of Common Prayer. Our worship consists of singing, prayer, readings from the bible, an uplifting message and Holy Communion.
Other opportunities to grow in faith
Getting Involved with Community

Lay Readers & Eucharistic Ministers:
Epiphany has a small cadre of licensed lay readers/chalice bearers serving at the 9:30 am service and serving at the 7:00 am service.
Eucharistic Visitors Ministry:
Visit and provide communion to home-bound congregation members. It is a special way they can still be part of our worship. Being a Eucharistic Visitor is a unique and rewarding way to serve Jesus.
Altar Guild Ministry:
The Altar Guild is comprised of happy parishioners who are dedicated to the glory of God by preparing and displaying the appropriate decorations and linens for each church season, especially during high holy days. Prior to Sunday and Wednesday services, flowers are arranged on the altar and the items for Holy Eucharist are properly prepared.
Acolytes Ministry:
Acolytes of all ages find this ministry spiritually rewarding. Acolytes carry the cross, and candles and assist at the altar with the priest. You come close to the presence of God during this ministry.
Greeters Ministry:
Our greeters assist the congregation during church services. They present the congregation’s offerings and carry hosts and wine to the Priest for blessing and consecration on behalf of the congregation. The greeters are also at the forefront of welcoming visitors by giving lei and introducing them to the congregation. They are there to help you.

The Aloha (Hospitality) Committee’s goal is to make Epiphany Church a warm and inviting place to worship while enjoying the fellowship of others. The hospitality committee organizes various fellowship functions such as Sunday coffee hour, third Sunday Fellowship breakfast, Epiphany Pageant BBQ, Christmas Parade BBQ, Annual Meeting, and Independence Day Brunch. We are always open to any suggestions for other fellowship opportunities.
Epiphany Menehunes:
The Menehunes are a volunteer organization of parishioners and friends of Epiphany who contribute to the maintenance of Epiphany Church buildings and grounds, including the rectory. Throughout the years, the menehunes have helped in various church projects, such as landscaping church grounds, painting throughout the buildings, restoration of the rectory, undercroft reorganization and cleaning, and numerous other tasks. The monetary savings to Epiphany has been immeasurable. Those who have participated enjoy the camaraderie and practical stewardship, while planning and working on the various projects.
Part of Hawaiian folklore, menehune were thought of as dwarf-sized folk who were expert craftsmen and fishermen.
Annual Family Camp:
The Epiphany Church Family Camp is held at Camp Mokuleia on the North Shore of Oahu on Admissions Day weekend in August each year. Camp Mokuleia was founded by the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii in 1947. Campers arrive on Friday afternoon and stay in the lodge or in tents at the campground. It is an informal weekend of fun and fellowship. We swim at the beach and in the pool, fish, hunt for sand crabs at night, sing along at the Campfire, and make the most delicious s’mores!! There are excursions to Haleiwa and Waialua and various other sites on the North Shore. Eucharist on Saturday evening is conducted facing the ocean (weather permitting). On Sunday, we finish off our camp with games and lunch. We invite members of Good Samaritan Church to join us for the day. All activities end on Sunday afternoon.
Getting Involved with Epiphany Outreach
Relationship, Partnership, Friendship

Reaching Out to People in Need and to Our Community
Epiphany Episcopal Church believes in service to the needy in the name of Jesus Christ and also reaching out to our Kaimuki Community. Our Outreach Ministry Committee coordinates and plans the outreach efforts in partnership with organizations and various groups. We encourage all of our members to participate in any way they can to support our outreach efforts to the needy and community groups.
Palolo Homes, officially known as the Mutual Housing Association, is a non-profit property development and management organization dedicated to providing quality, safe, and affordable rental apartments for households earning less than the median income for the State of Hawaiʻi. It provides housing at 306 units. Epiphany supports it with donations of household supplies, clothing, and shoes, furniture, appliances, and monetary donation.
The Epiphany Episcopal Church Ukulele Group promotes the playing and singing of Hawaiian Music in the traditional style. The group has members who just enjoy singing but don’t play an instrument. The group also has ukulele and guitar players both experienced and novice. Anyone who attends may suggest song(s) from the music book for the group to play and sing when it is their turn. This fun group meets on Saturdays from 2 pm until 3:30 pm in the Parish Hall
Outreach Pictures